Thursday 18 September 2014

Cooking ahead of time

Now that the house is not as overwhelming I have been starting to cook ahead of time. The idea is that I have energy before lunch but not so much after I have got the kids and are tending to them.

I have been eating the stew I cooked a few days ago with some mashed potato on the side. It is really lean and yummy and ready to go. I have fruit cut up for people to snack on ready for afternoon tea and the veggies are cut up ready for dinner.

I have a busy couple of days as we are about to head off to the gold coast for a four days. I have started to prepare some of the food in advance because otherwise we will spend too much money and time eating too many calories.

Yesterday I cooked spaghetti and froze off half the mince. I put a lot of cut up veges in the spaghetti mince so it is actually a lean meal. So one of the three nights I have dinner already made. I cooked some carrot muffins with sultanas and I put half and half wholemeal flour to white flour. So its healthier and a little less morish.

A few days ago I bought myself a new notebook for my recording my daily food. I have it sitting on the kitchen bench below the scales. Having it visible has improved my recording. I have lost two kilos in the last four days of recording and I haven't been hungry. I have two more days of being at home and then we will be on holiday and of course I will gain it all back lol. But if I hadn't started clearing the house clutter I never would have got to these harder tasks.

Yesterday I tackled something I have been wanting to do for months, I repaired the kids hammock. It had a strap lattice which had deteriorated in the sun. It was a big square frame nothing to sit on in the middle. I got a 30 meter long rope and weaved a new seat around the frame. It took about an hour, but that is one thing off my medium term to do list.

Never before have I realised how much I need to do the small stuff before I can do the bigger stuff. And losing weight is the biggest stuff!

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