Sunday 28 September 2014

Hens Weekend

Down 0.3 from yesterday, 104.8. Which is awesome. Jason got up at 6am and went for a 26km bike ride. He then dropped me off at Nikki's who took me to Margi, my sister in law's hens weekend.

Nikki's on the right and she is lovely. We are both friends of Karen Jones and slowly becoming friends ourselves. Margi, Nikki, Karen and I all scrapbook together.

Despite Nikki suggesting we get a pie I was smart enough to insist that I get some subway for lunch. I knew that we both needed to contain the damage as best as we could.

Margi has had everything planned for months and had a two day celebration at her house. The Saturday was a Hens night and the Sunday was the a high tea Briday Shower.

Margi is the one in the pink. The food and drink was lovely, but fattening. And rightfully so.

Margis hens weekend was good fun. She had planned everything to a T. She had lots of games and details. Like this Candy Bar:

We made our own pizzas, and she had lots of topping for us to put on a wrap and bake in the oven. It was a delicious dinner, I just made sure to go carefully on the cheese. That night we got in our pajamas and watched Bridesmaids.

She has awesome friends and my favourite bit was chatting to them. Sue is my mother in law on the left and Renee is on the right. Renee is a vegetarian and it was enjoyable talking about food with her.

She hadn't heard of the movie Forks over Knives so it was awesome to give her that tidbit. She is clearly slim (years of practice she said) and I asked her what she eats. she said that most people would find it boring but she likes cut up vegetables for snacks and curries for dinner. She said she loves to mash up herbs, garlic and lime juice for a salad dressing.

She struggles with a late night cravings, but clearly she is a picture of health. She also has a gorgeous nature and is very loyal and kind.

The lovely lady in black was great for me to talk to. She is career driven at the moment .She doesn't cook and struggles to eat. She tries to eat very well as she has a depressed hunger.

She can go a day with just a coffee because she is so busy in her roast chicken takeaway restaurant. She is lucky to have her husband stay at home with her kids as he is very good in that role and he makes sure she eats well.

She says she finds it hard to eat when she is stressed. She smokes and drinks coffee which seems to replace eating for her. It was so interesting to meet new people and hear their new perspectives!

The next day was the high tea and look at the good job she did! So much attention to detail.

Each of the tea pots had what was in them written on the side. There was a lot of choices. I enjoyed the caramel tea. As caramel is my favourite treat.

Margi had Kyra, her brother-in-law to be wife as her bridesmaid. But it really wasn't working out. She only lived 15 mins down the road, but didn't attend at all and also refused to come the dress fitting. This was so bad, as it was the bridesmaids duty to throw the hens night, let alone show up! Margi is incredibly sweet and kept tolerating it.

Kyra also didn't attend the engagement party or Dan's (groom) 30th. Margi was in tears at one point and we all supported her and convinced  her to let Kyra go as she was too unreliable to risk her wedding. Margi has put her heart and soul into this wedding for the least two years and really deserved better. It was hard to do, but the lady in black is now the new bridesmaid :)

As expected I felll well and truly off the wagon. I was glad to return to my wonderful husband and hear what they had been up to.

You always appreciate your man so much more after a girls night out.

I had arranged for Oma to look after Geordie while Jules and Jason went for a mountain bike ride. Jules did really well. Here he is tramping through the bush.

After that Jason picked up Geordie, he took them to see a movie (Planes: Fire and Rescue) and then took them to the corner store to choose some treats.

They then had a guys movie night. Some good junk food choices there, not totally out of control but very fun for the kids.

Jason slept on the couch next to the boys on the Sofa bed. The boys had so much fun :) It looks like a healthy dad is a fun dad :)

Sunday was the biggest surprise of all! He took Geordie out for a family ride! Finally the ability for the four of us to go riding together! No babysitters required!

Geordie has been a very reluctant rider. I am so glad he got finally got there! Look at those smiles!

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