Sunday 7 September 2014

Clearing the house debt

Do you ever feel like you want to do something simple. But everything gets in the way of doing that and then you get overwhelmed?

I have long since believed that the state of my body is simple a refection of my lifestyle but well beyond just diet and exercise. I have a lot of backlog of clutter in my house that affects my food motivation. So I thought what if I directly correlate the state of the house with my body? 

I am 43 kilos overweight and there are a thousand grams in a kilogram. So for fun, what if I endeavoured to put away 43000 items in the house. As I cleared the backlog in the house would that also affect my weight? 

The reason I think it will is that I already have a lot of knowledge about eating well, and I deeply desire to be slim, so what if it was the house getting in the way?

I am not a slob, but there is a backlog that most of us have and perhaps I have had a little bit more. I have held on to the kids babystuff as I always wanted a third and that means more clutter. 

So when I say items I mean anything that is put away or improved. Every fork that is washed, every pencil that is sharpened, every piece of lego, every weed that is pulled. So as you can see if you look at it that way having a goal of clearing 43000 items of debt is probably doable in a moderately cluttered home.

All debt has interest. My kids create some daily chaos, there is always a dishwasher to be packed and unpacked, plus whatever the day has brought. So I figured there is about 250 items of interest a day to pay.

I gave myself a goal of clearing 1000 items debt a week. I hoped it would be symbolic of losing a kilo.

Here is how I have gone:

The first day I put in a big effort of 745 items and I felt like I was getting somewhere. But I didn't consider how big the interest was, and I wasn't consistent enough. So that week was actually an eye opener as the back log didn't change much. 

The second week I started to realise how big the actual debt was. 250 items x 7= 1750. Plus 1000 to pay off the debt, means that to meet my quota I need to clean up about 2750 items a week or 400 items every day. 

This week I did much better. Its a bit early to tell if it is immediately effecting the scales but I know that eventually it will.

What has happened is that the kids lego is completely tidy,  I am less embarassed by surprise drop ins, the washing is up to date, (although I still have to do everyone's sheets). We are cooking more, Jason and Jules are riding their bikes more and the general mood in the home is happier. 

Our lego is totally organised. Its the perfect blend of order and chaos so the kids can play with it, and find the parts they need. I think lego is the hardest thing I have organised so I am particularly proud of it.

I am hoping that clearing the clutter will pave the way for having the strength to clear the body clutter.

I have just gone for a 7km ride with Jules. I am getting fitter as well :)

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