Sunday 14 September 2014

Mini Epic!

On Friday we packed the cars and took off to Grandchester for the Epic. This is the mountain bike event that Jason, Jules and I had been training for. Some more than others <looks around and whistles innocently>. Anyway we decided to take Kai with us as he was keen to go and is a great role model for our kids.

We got there early and got a nice spot to camp in. Its never quite easy when spots aren't defined, but we were able to chat to our neighbours to decide how much space they needed and fit comfortably around that. Then I realised that I hadn't packed the gas cooker which was going to make cooking dinner hard so I took Geordie and went to a nearby hardware store to pick up a canister cooker.

While I was gone Jason took Kai and Jules around the 4.2km mountain bike track. I wasn't sure if I could make the it as I am still so heavy and fairly unfit. It was a tricky track, but I was able to ride most of it. Some of the jumps were too much and I had to walk. Some of the hills I had to walk aswell.

I was puffed and red faced when I got back and I was scared I would get a headache if I went the next day. We cooked dinner, played spotlight and the kids got together and did cartwheels and had fun. Kai finds it hard to sleep at night so we went for a few walks whenever he got nervous.

After morning snuggles we got up and packed up the tent early. This saved having to do it in the heat of the day maybe with a nasty exercise headache.

I was nervous at the start of the family fun ride. I was concerned that Jules would get in to trouble too far ahead of me. I didn't want to come last. I don't mind being last, I just didn't want everyone to be waiting for me and put anyone out.

It was a lot easier to do the course after we had practised it. There was one point where I felt tortured and of course that was the time someone would be taking photos of contestants lol. I ended up coming in  about two thirds of the pack. It was really nice to have family at the finish line. Its amazing how having strangers say well done is so encouraging.

Kai had come 5th of the race and had done really well. We went back to our camp to recover and congratulate ourselves and enjoy the finishing feeling.

Soon it was time for Jason to do his race.

Last year he did the 20k in almost 3 hours, he came 3rd last. So this year I thought I would go to the finish line at 2pm, two hours after the race started.

He was so delighted in my surprise that he wasn't too disappointed I wasn't there at the finish line.

Here he is at the start of the race :) He needed to wave so I could spot him as everyone gets a free  jersey as part of entering in the race.

While he was gone the kids entertained themselves on a slide and climbing wall. We grabbed some lunch and then headed back to our gazebo.

We were settling into some board games when Jason bounded back with a big grin! It wasn't even 2pm and he was back already! He had slashed over an hour off his time from last year!
 We were so happy for him :)

He rested and enjoyed his victory. We sent the kids off to the jumping castle while we packed up to go home. Karen J, Kai's Mum, cooked us a lovely dinner with vegetables at her house. It was great because we were both stuffed from all the driving, packing and racing.

We all loved it :)

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