Thursday 2 October 2014

Beach, Waves, Sand and Sharks!

This morning Jason cuddled my back after his ride. His chest feels much harder these days. I asked him how much he weighs now and he said that he doesn't bother with that. He knows that if he keeps eating small, and exercising that's all he needs to do. He's got his priorities right. Also with all the muscle he would be gaining, the scale would be meaningless.

I on the other hand, have a full on romance with the scale lol. Today I was down another 0.4 kilos. At 104.5 kilos I have lost all the weight gained from the hens weekend, but I am still up a 100g from the Gold Coast Holiday. This goes to show why it is so important to minimise social eating, talk about 1 step forward, 1 step back.

We took Oma (Grandma) to the beach today and a kindly gentleman warned us about sharks. He has seen them in the area. It made me really paranoid, like an attack was imminent. I wouldn't let Jules go more than about knee depth. He dealt with it really well and lay down in it.

When I got home I googled it. There is no way other than not going in the water to be 100% safe.

Its safest when: the water is clear, there a lot of other people around, and the surf life savers are there.

The last unprovoked attack in Queensland was 2011 so I needn't have been so concerned.

Wear dark colours, avoid any bling, and don't go too far out.

But you are more likely to be struck by lightning than attacked by a shark.

Jules loves the water and Geordie loves to bury himself in the sand. We need to get to the beach more often.

We left after lunch and on the way munched on strawberries, after the beach the kids had a box of shapes and I had one of my pumpkin cupcakes.

While I dodged the fish n chips. I didn't dodge the cravings. I had to wrestle with a monster craving to go to the pub and have the family special. We decided not to go as it really isn't worth the kilo I would likely gain from going. I have eaten a few naughty things today, but I am going to forgive myself as it could have been much, much worse!

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