Monday 20 October 2014

Stress, its coming lol

I got up Saturday morning and weighted 103.0. I was disappointed it wasn't 102.9 because I have been stuck in the 103's for two weeks now, and I knew it would go up after my Aunties 60th.

I had a lovely time with my mother when we went to my Aunty's 60th birthday lunch. We ate well, we shared a cold seafood platter between us and had prawns, oysters, crumbed calamari and Moreton bay bug. It was great to catch up with people, particularly my cousin Lyndell who is into nutrition and who it turns out lives in the neighbouring suburb.

My Auntys reaction when she saw the cake her friend had made for her was priceless. -->

She had expected a simple slab cake and when she saw the effort her friend had put in had burst into tears. It was exceptionally sweet.

This cute gorgeous girl had been making sure that the cake was getting set up and cut up properly.

Below is Helen getting comforted by her son. It was lovely.

While I was out, Jason took the kids to the park. They were on their scooters and he was attempting to ride a skate board. I couldn't be happier with him right now.

All this exercise seems to be making him much more patient and calm. Our love just grows every year. I can't believe how much I love him :)

Shortly after this Kai and Asha came over for tea and a long visit. Having guests over means the dinner is a little more fattening than usual. They came over again the next day and we had a swim together and took them for a bike ride. We shared another dinner together. I thought I had been pretty good, but the scale said no and I am up to 103.8 again.

I was pleased that the bike ride seemed easier though. Every gram I get off makes it a little easier to haul my ass around lol.

The next two weekends will have kids over again as there are girl parties to go to and Jason is happy to babysit Kai, Asha and Liam so that the Mums can go. The third weeked out from that I have the biking/camping event (I need to sort the camping stuff for that).

Theres only about 8 weeks of term left and I am realising how much I have to do. Theres the Christmas, shopping, wrapping, delivering, and events. I have to chase up the school to see where they are going to put Geordie to try and get a cruisey teacher otherwise next year will be hell. I can't tell you the difference it makes when you have a good teacher.

I need to start sorting the camping stuff for our bike event in three weeks. I need to sort the photos for the Christmas books that I like to print for grandparent gifts. I also grab other family members photos off facebook so it makes a good year summary for the whole family.

I like to be ready for the school holidays as soon as they start. Its even more important this year as there is only a week of holidays before Christmas week hits, then soon after we go on our holiday early January. The last week of the holidays I am having Evie and Nellie so that the cousins can have time together and I will have no time to do all that back to school stuff.

I also need to do more research into our holiday. We are driving to the Jenolan caves and back and seeing lots of family along the way.

So there is a ridiculous amount to things to do and socialising along the way. This is going to be a hard term, but a great school holidays!

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