Friday 24 October 2014

Grannying up the hills!

Got the prize today. Finally into the 102's with 102.7. Yeah haaa! That only took forever.

Battled with myself to get on the bike. Said to myself its just for 30 mins, you will feel great afterwards. Finally got on. I set out to go a different way to avoid Mr Magpie. The other way also had a magpie :( So I decided to go around the river to come back home on the Lawnton side.

I noticed that I was able to "granny gear" up all these hills! What? I never make it up hills. Some of these hills were really big too. I also found myself switching into high gear on the flats. A very nice surprise! I think I was on the money with giving myself a rest yesterday.

I also noticed that I was riding my bike near Natalie's house. A friend I haven't seen for 6 months. So I rode to her place, and swung in for a chat and a nice rest.

I ended up riding for 1 hour and 10 mins (without the rest) which is half an hour more than usual, with steeper gradients. After that training run I feel better about the 5k mountain bike event coming up in 2 weeks time :)

I didn't get sunburned, but came close. I will have to be more careful in the future as the Queensland sun is very hot. Maybe some sort of helmet hat and a long sleeve shirt I can pull out of a saddle bag might work well. Certainly will amuse the magpies anyway.

I didn't end up avoiding magpies. I had another 3 attacks but no pecks so its all good.

I got home and flopped with a cold glass of water. Then I remembered that I had a bowl of spaghetti ready to go in the fridge. Heaven sent. Its amazing how good food tastes after a workout. I spent quite a bit of time on the couch recuperating.

After I felt human again I went and made some zucchini banana brownies. Essentially take a 2 egg and butter brownie recipe and add in zucchini and banana and sultanas and cut down the sugar and butter a bit that is what I made. I also put in a third wholemeal flour, two thirds plain flour. I completely processed the banana and zucchini so the kids wouldn't reject the slice based on finding little green bits in it. I made it up on the fly.

I made the brownies to have something to put in the kids morning tea, and also as an option to have something to take to the parties. I put a dusting of icing on the top. I am really happy with them. Sometimes healthy baking can get a bit rubbery, but these are great!

I made some small squares ones for parties. 

And I gave some to Jules' teacher too.

I ate some, kept some for Jules and Geordies afternoon tea. 
Then popped the rest of them into the freezer where they would be safe lol.

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