Friday 10 October 2014

Life has started speeding up!

What just happened? One moment I was in happy weight loss land and now I have plateaued! I have been eating right, but my body is starting to adjust to less calories.

While I have been trying to figure out how to survive on less food. I noticed that life just sped up! Three friends have set dates for three parties in the next three weeks!

Halloween is just around the corner and to entertain the kids I have started decorating. The kids will probably have a sleep over party with their friends as Halloween is on Friday night this year!

My aunt's 60th is next weekend too! ARRGH 5 Parties in three weeks! THIS ISN"T SLOWING DOWN!

Okay don't panic.I can bring a plate of Thai Chicken Rice paper rolls to two of the parties and safely eat that... I am sooo grateful for my little freezer of take aways!!!

With the plateau, I haven't changed my eating, my body has just stopped losing. I need to drop my calories further to keep it moving. It's a bit of trial and error on how to do that as I really hate being hungry.

The party train is coming and I had better get my head around it or it will be a party train wreck!

I got my kilojoules down to 5456 today and I am hoping for some scale love tomorrow. Up until now 7500 has been good enough for a loss.

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