Friday 17 October 2014


I am getting my energy back and starting to be able to function again. I haven't lost anymore weight since Monday. Mostly its been about getting my head around what's going on and what's the way forward. 

I went and saw a dietician at the medical centre to try and get some help designing meal plans that are more plant strong. I am not talking whole nine yards plant strong, but some ways we can move more in that direction. The fact that he had not even heard of Dean Ornish, Caldwell Esselstyn or Colin T Campbell is shocking to me. That seriously is not good enough.

If you have any health problems I urge you to watch this video put together by Dr Greger, "From Table to Able". This guy spends all his time reading 1000's of nutritional studies and they puts them together in an entertaining, scientifically backed sort of way. He is amazing.

The whole food plant based diet is the only one I know of that can REVERSE HEART DISEASE, given its one of our top killers this is a big thing for me. One amazing study he was talking about was that diabetics which had neuropathy (nerve pain) for 10 years had huge pain relief within DAYS of a plant based diet. Seriously this is amazing stuff it should be making headlines. But instead no one I know has heard of it. It can't stay a secret forever the research is pointing to this diet again and again. 

Three days ago on the abc newsite a study was done that found broccoli extract for being transformational in treating autism. The article concluded that eating a plant based diet was sound advice. Well thats great! I have two children with Autism.

Do you think I can find a dietician to help us along our way towards the more plant based side of the continuum? NOOOOOOOO!

My frustration is high. I am spending my time learning more about this stuff and the more I learn the more insane it is that this stuff isn't known by doctors, dieticians and people generally!!!!

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