Saturday 4 October 2014

Go Jase!

Jason had started out at 97 kilos and now he tells the that he is 89.!

I am so proud and happy for him. He thinks his goal weight is 75 kilos. I really hope he gets to goal. How cool would that be?

We had a family bike ride today. Jules and I did about 5k at Boondall Wetlands. But I ended up with an exercise headache which really sucks when that happens. It kills the rest of the day. Down another 0.4 kilos today. I am enjoying scale love!

Jason did a massive mountain bike ride today. He is stuffed but very happy. He is doing so well!

I am determined to retreat socially this term. Its the social eating that does us in. I am best off eating as much safe food as I can. That said a girls afternoon is being planned by Nikki for the 26th of October. I will bring my tea, and fruit platter and maybe even a veggie and dip platter. I am hoping no one notices me eating just my own food. I hate it when its obvious you are dieting.

Subconciously people seem to want you to be the same as them. They either dismiss the diet or give you a lecture on how to diet: ""All you gotta do is...<fill in the blank here...>" I hate being the centre of attention that way. My preferred way to go is to not refuse food, then its not obvious. I can let that serving sit almost untouched on my plate for a long time and then discreetly bin it. People don't pressure you if they don't realise you are dieting.

Of course I would rather just skip all of that completely. Especially this term when I have a lofty goal of 85 kilos by Christmas!

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