Monday 13 October 2014

Ground to a halt!

I have been going to a doctor trying to get myself approved to see a dietician because for some reason my iron runs low. I got approved for some sessions which I am really happy about! I got some iron tests done and asked for my magnesium, potassium etc to be checked as well.

On Saturday morning I got a call from the nurse "the doctor has your results and needs you to come in tommorrow". Of course thats all they can legally say. And that's terrifying. Your test results are meant to be a bit of pro activity, not critical!

So I spent all of Saturday freaking out, and consequently ate as well as I could. I had oats and fruit for breakfast, Tuna salad subway for lunch. Vegetable Dahl on a big bed of spinach for dinner and a juice of celery, cucumber and pear for a night cap.

And the scale loved me for it. That day I lost 0.7 grams!

The next day I found out what has been wrong with me. Low iron as suspected, it is 4.3 (should be between 10-30). But the magnesium was what was scaring the doctor. It was 0.41 (and should be between 0.7-1.1). He was worried about me having a seizure at that level.

So I have spent the last two weeks with very little energy and now I know why. The low magnesium has given me some weird sensations in my hand and feet and a tight feeling in my chest.

On top of supplements I spent yesterday eating: spinach leaves, nuts, salmon everything I could to boost my magnesium levels. I had ice cream rather than tea, as I wasn't game to have a diuretic. It was not a dieting day. And I was surprised how much I missed my cups of tea.

Right now I have very low energy and I am just trying to get through the most basic parts of the day. I don't know why my nutrient profile is down. I consider myself to eat quite well.

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