Sunday 10 August 2014

Social Eating

Friday we celebrated Jason's 10 year anniversary of being an insurance underwriter at the same company. Margi, my sister-in-law and her fiancé came up for the night. We get along really well. We went out for Thai food to celebrate. In order to minimise the damage I ate frugally the day before and the meals beforehand. I had a chicken satay stick for entrée and some prawn thai fried rice, chicken pad thai and beef pad see eew. So yummy, but I wish I had of ordered the thai beef salad. I didn't because I didn't realise we could share it. How silly was that? It could have been shared like any other dish. And it would have saved me feeling sick as my body wasn't used to as much fat at that point. We spend the night afterwars watching reruns of the bachelor and getting really giggly and girly. We ate a lovely fruit platter with brown rice crackers and low fat dips for supper.

They left early the next morning. I took the kids to circus and then we had some of Jasons friends over with their computers to celebrate guy style. My god they are a bit of work food wise. I served baked potato that night with lots of roast chicken I had bought and chopped up. They also got oven chicken tenders as a night snack. Popcorn and chocolate chip cookies to snack on as well as lots of hot beverages. Luckily for me they made a move early and I got to go for a bike ride with Jules. My fitness is improving which is great. I have so much work to put in before the epic though.

Look at all those hills...

Jason has been very inspired in the lead up to the Epic. We got him a very fancy secondhand bike. So he is feeling good and empowered right now.

We have been putting in lots of effort teaching Geordie to ride his bike without training wheels. Jason spent 90 mins teaching Geordie to ride his bike. It is very slow progress, but once he gets his confidence up he will be right.

Jason went for another training session in the bush. I tell you its just great to have him off the computer!

While the social events were fun, I am very glad they were short. They have definitely sabotaged my efforts, however thats life. Its not the food of a single day but the overall lifestyle that counts. I have eaten well today but my potions have been too big as a consequence. I have another awkward week coming up, as I have three days of kids being at home (and they don't like the healthy meals I make so there is compromise there). After that I have two nights of camping with an avid junk food eater. The next weekend is a family bbq in Balina which is a 3 hour drive each way. We will be staying overnight. Luckily for me Jason's family is sensible when it comes to food.

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